Happy New Year!

Just a short post for the New Year.  I learned a while ago to look back more than just a year on New Years Eve.  Everyone starts to reminisce about the past year.  You will see on TV the “year in review”.  On the radio they were doing the best and the worse of the year.   So many times I hear people say; “well next year has to be better than this last one”.  Maybe they had problems with a job, or relationship, who knows?  I found when we just look back a year, many times it does not look all that good.  You’re in the moment, you still have fresh memories.

So here is what I want you to do.  Before you get all teary eyed about the end of this year.  I want you to know that God has been there for you, and yes you are blessed beyond belief.  You have to understand, there was a time I would have told you if you said that to me…you are crazy.  Most of you know my story, there are years I could say that nobody else could have had a worst year than that.  I could have even chosen to be the victim and do a poor me act each year.  But really?  That is now way to live.

What changed for me, was when I was told not to look back one year, but go 5 or 10 years.  Take a really good look at your past and really how far you have come.  When I look back more years than I care to admit, I can truly say I can see  God’s hand in my life.  Even through tragedy, I could see God’s hand helping me through it, and taking me on to the next part of my life.

Now all I can say is thank God!  Thank God that He has a plan for me, and it is not all left up to me.  For as I look back I can truly see I am blessed.  Not only am I blessed, but God is walking along side of me each day, each week, each year of my life.  So I can truly stand and say; “Happy New Year!”  I know, not only will the new year be a happy one for me, but a blessed one.

So take a look back…then truly celebrate as you say; “Happy New Year!”

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Pastor:

    Great message! Thank you.

    A side topic: I like the Race Car with the LCMS sponsorship. Nice! Is this a real vehicle?

  2. Wonderful message, I also want to thank you for takeing the time to do these blogs. I enjoy reading them and gaining new insites from your words. I also want to wish you
    Prospero Año Nuevo or Feliz Año Nuevo. Blessings to you and your family.

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